![]() ![]() Ubar | The Ubar can move up to nine (9) squares in any direction as long as no piece is blocking his path. **Note** - These movements are not directly supported by the books, other than a statement that the Ubar is the most powerful piece on the board, so I have made it's move 9 squares in any direction akin to earthen chess and the movement of the Queen. | |
![]() ![]() Ubara | The Ubara can move up to six (6) squares in any direction as long as no piece is blocking her path. **Note** - These movements are directly supported by the books. | |
![]() ![]() Initiate | The Initiate can move up to nine (9) squares on the same colored diagonal as long as no piece is blocking his path. **Note** - These movements are not directly supported by the books, 7 squares diagonally is supported but that is the same move for the Scribe so I have made the move 9 squares akin to earthen chess and the movement of the Bishop. | |
![]() ![]() Builder | The Builder can move up to nine (9) squares in a straight line as long as no piece is blocking his path. **Note** - These movements are not directly supported by the books, a move of 8 square is shown I have increased that to 9 squares akin to earthen chess and the movement of the Rook. | |
![]() ![]() Scribe | The Scribe can move up to seven (7) squares on the same colored diagonal as long as no piece is blocking his path. **Note** - These movements are directly supported by the books. | |
![]() ![]() Tarnsman | The Tarnsman can move either forward three (3) and then either to the left or right two (2) squares or up two (2) squares and then either to the left or right three (3) squares. The Tarnsman is the only piece the can jump over another piece, the Tarnsman can also make a positioning move, it can move one square in any direction as it's move, it can not take a piece during a positioning move. **Note** - These movements are directly supported by the books. ***Updated Move*** | |
![]() ![]() Physician | The Physician can move up to four (4) squares in a straight line as long as no piece is blocking his path. **Note** - This movement are directly supported by the books. | |
![]() ![]() Rider of the High Tharlarion | The Rider of the High Tharlarion can move one (1) squares in any direction. **Note** - These movements are directly supported by the books. | |
![]() ![]() Home Stone | The Home Stone can move one (1) squares in any direction but can not capture another piece. You must place you Home Stone on the First Row not before the second move and no later than the tenth move or you forfeit the game. **Note** - These movements are directly supported by the books. | |
![]() ![]() Spearman | The Spearman can move forward one (1), two (2) or three (3) squares, or one (1) square sideways or one (1) square diagonally if capturing a piece on it's first move, after it initial move, it may move only one space at a time. This move may be directly diagonally, forward, or sideways. It can only capture diagonally. Upon reaching the tenth row a Spearman can then be traded for either a Tarnsman or Rider of the High Tharlarion. **Note** - These movements are directly supported by the books. ***Updated Move*** |
![]() "Look here," said Marlenus, reconstructing the board, "I have used the Assassin to take the City then the Assassin is felled by a Tarnsman ...an unorthodox, but interesting variation ..." "And the Tarnsman is felled by a Spear Slave," I observed. (Tarnsman of Gor page 170) It is plain to see that there where pieces that where called Assassins and Spear Slaves .... what happened to them, it is my guess that after the defeat of Pa-Kur and the Assassin's Horde in Ar in 10110 C.A., the piece fell in disfavor, just as the Caste of Assassins did and that the piece was replaced by the Physician, as you will not find mention of them in any of the other books, but will read of the piece called the physician. We look at the next quote: "Indeed, Kaissa was play variously on the planet. For example, several years ago Kaissa was played somewhat differently in Ar than it was now. Most Gorean cities now, at least in the south, accepted a standard tournament Kaissa, agreed upon by the high council of the caste of players. Sometimes the changes were little more than semantic. For example, a piece which once in Ar had been called the "City" was now identified officially as the "Home Stone" even in Ar. Indeed, some players in Ar had always called it the Home Stone. More seriously there were now no "Spear Slaves" in common Kaissa as there once had been, though there were distinctions among "Spearmen." It had been argued that slaves had no right upon the Kaissa Board." (Beasts of Gor pages 43-44) It would seem that a little later another change was made to the Spearmen as in this quote: "some favoring Ubar's Initiate to Scribes three, and others the withdrawal of Ubara's Spearman to cover the vulnerable Ubar's two." (Assassin of Gor page 32) we see that the Spearman can retreat but in this quote "The Spearman is not permitted retreat." (Players of Gor page 238) We now find that the Spearman can not longer is allowed retreat which is fitting for a front line warrior. Now we look at the number of pieces on the board, "The man who called out wore a robe of checkered red and yellow squares, and the game board, of similar squares with ten ranks and ten files, giving a hundred squares hung over his back; slung over his left shoulder, as a warrior wears a sword, was a leather bag containing pieces, twenty to a side, red and yellow representing Spearmen, Tarnsmen, The Rider of the High Tharlarion, and so on." (Assassins of Gor page 26) So at this point we have twenty pieces but if we read on we come across a quote supporting another piece "the Scribe threatened the Ubara's Flanking Spearman at Ubara's Initiate three." (Beast of Gor Page 95) this little quote added the two Spearman to each side of the board, as if you make the moves of game between Centius of Cos and Scormus of Ar you will see that there must be a piece on Initiates three to start with as there was never a piece moved to Initiates three during the first ten moves ... Here is the notation of first ten moves of that game, the notation is setup to make the moves on the Kaissa Boards I have configured for the playing of online Kaissa, they can be found at Kaissa Boards or you can take a look at Graphic 2 as it show the location of all pieces after making these ten moves by each side. |
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![]() That leaves us with two pieces that we have yet to see move yet, the Physician and the Tarnsman. I found the following quote concerning the Physician: "Physician to Physician six, generally regarded as a flawed response to Ossius' Ubar to Ubara's Scribe five." (Beasts of Gor page 62) this move shows the Physician being able to move in a straight line for at least four squares. The final piece the Tarnsman is even more baffling as the piece is moved in many game fragments in the books but only twice are we given any real information the first quote: "Ubar's Tarnsman to Physician Seven," (Assassin of Gor Page 32) I have a major problem with this movement as this makes it so the Tarnsman moves up six and over three, if you make this move on the board you will see that you opponent would just respond by moving his Ubara's Tarnsman and take your piece. You can see that most of my information comes from either Beasts of Gor or Players of Gor, there is a very important thing to remember that Scormus of Ar played in both of these games and one would not expect him to play anything but Merchants Kaissa or what is also know as Players Kaissa or Kaissa of En'Kara which "was officially promulgated for the first time at one of the fairs of En'Kara, that occurred in 10124 C.A." (Players of Gor page 8) so the next question is when did these games take place: "He lost in the great tournament, in 10125 Contasta Ar," he said, "to Centius, of Cos." "Centius is a fine player," I said. The tournament he referred to was doubtless the one held at the Sardar Fair, in En'Kara of that year. It had occurred five years ago. It was now 10,130 C.A. (Players of Gor page 249). In my mind, I feel that I have proved that the placement of the pieces, as well as the movement of the pieces come as close as any will every come to Merchants Kaissa without having access to John Norman's notes. But as I stated in the beginning I leave it to you the viewer to decide. |